Hotel Alpenhof din Sankt Jakob in Defereggen

Innerrotte 35, A- 9963 St. Jakob, Austria

Destinatie si vreme

Completeaza data de plecare, numarul de persoane si varstele pentru a verifica preturile si disponibilitatea la hotelul Hotel Alpenhof.

Detalii cazare

Descriere cazare:
Cot: on request, Playroom: with toys and games, Children's menu, Childcare: For children from 412 years from SUN to FRI, 8 hours per day, including lunch with beverages, on request

Cot: on request, Playroom: with toys and games, Children's menu, Childcare: For children from 412 years from SUN to FRI, 8 hours per day, including lunch with beverages, on request

Animale de casa:
Small dogs Euro 10,- per day payable on site without food (not permitted in the restaurant and public areas).

Nume cazare de la furnizor: Hotel Alpenhof 4****

Este responsabilitatea unitatii de cazare / a lantului hotelier sau a furnizorului ofertelor de a asigura acuratetea pozelor afisate. nu este responsabil pentru lipsa de acuratete a acestora.

Ce poti vizita si face in statiunea Sankt Jakob in Defereggen 2025?

Obiective turistice Sankt Jakob in Defereggen

Regiunea Tirol

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